Live Oak County Appraisal District 205 Bowie St PO Box 2370 George West TX 78022 361-449-2641
Notice of Availability of Electronic Communications 1.085 Texas Property Tax Code: (a) Not withstanding any other provision in this title and except as provided by this section, any notice, rendition, application form, or completed application that is required or permitted by this title to be delivered between a chief appraiser, an appraisal district an appraisal review board, or any combination of those persons and a property owner or between a chief appraiser, an appraisal district, an appraisal review board, or any combination of those persons and a person designated by a property owner under Section 1.111(f)  may be delivered in an electronic format if the chief appraiser and the property owner or person designated by the owner agree under this section.
The Chief Appraiser of the Live Oak County Appraisal District has determined that it is not feasible at this time to provide for electronic communication between the appraisal district, appraisal review board, property owners or their designated representatives. A decision by the chief appraiser not to enter into agreements may not be the subject of an appraisal review board protest, a lawsuit or a complaint to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.